This job offer is no longer available

Assistant Chief, Medical Technologist and Microbiology

A stimulating career, a team with a human dimension and a caring work environment.


  • $28 to $40/hour, depending on experience and training
  • $60/month compensation for using your cell phone


  • $500/year Lacroix gift card with quick access to doctors;
  • $1,100/year health credit account;
  • $300/year training account;
  • FTQ pension fund with employer contribution;
  • Vacation advantageous;
  • Free parking in most of our clinics;
  • Close to bus routes;
  • Opportunity for advancement and professional growth;
  • Opportunity to work in all of our clinics;
  • Modern, bright and up-to-date workspace;
  • Corporate events;
  • Eco-responsible environment promoting recycling and the elimination of plastic;
  • Unlimited coffee!

Do you want to develop your potential or simply have job stability in a solid and reputable company? At Cliniques Lacroix, we offer you a stimulating and dynamic work environment with a wide variety of jobs available. Our various positions allow our professionals to find the right balance between their professional and personal lives, whether they are at the beginning or end of their career.

Medical technologist or medical technologist specializing in microbiology who shares with the assistant head of Biochemistry-Hematology the responsibility for all the techniques used in the laboratory.

This person participates in the development of new specialized techniques, going beyond the framework of the analyses required on a usual or routine basis in medical laboratories.

When required, he or she sees to the initiation and systematic training as well as the quality control of the work carried out by medical technologists.

He or she can participate in the day-to-day administration of the department, he or she collaborates with the assistant head of biochemistry - hematology and assists the director in carrying out her duties and replaces her when necessary.

Under the authority of his/her director, the person holding this position must, first and foremost:

  • Assist his/her director and actively participate, in collaboration with the assistant head of Biochemistry – Hematology, in the management of the activities of the medical biology services.
  • Issue appropriate recommendations to ensure the maintenance and improvement of services.
  • Supervise and participate in the drafting, development, revision and updating of procedures, processes and other documents and monitor the monitoring of documentary resources.
  • Ensure that information is transmitted and ensure the monitoring of non-conformities.
  • Participate in the choice of the different technologies used and the implementation of new technologies.
  • Actively contribute to the assessment of quality, organization, evaluation of staff, development, maintenance of skills and orientation of the staff.
  • Participate in the selection of new hires.
  • Perform any other technical tasks.
  • Participate in transport management in collaboration with the assistant head of Biochemistry – Hematology and the director.
  • Must be available 24/7


  • Must hold a college diploma (DEC) in biomedical analysis technology from a school recognized by the competent ministry.
  • Must have 5 years of experience in microbiology.
  • Must have recognized management skills.
  • Must be available 24/7 for emergencies according to a pre-established schedule.
  • Must be a member of O.P.T.M.Q.
  • Additional experience (an asset) (Example: replacement of assistant head or technical coordinator, clinical instructor, special mandate or other.)
  • Recent experience in the last five (5) years as a super user or as a pilot of computerized laboratory systems (an asset).
  • Experience working with computerized laboratory systems, e.g. Technidata (an asset).

1000 Ch Ste-Foy, Québec, QC G1S 2L6, Canada
CA$35.00 to CA$45.00 per hour

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